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MATLAB Onramp course

I recently registered for the Machine Learning, Stanford University online course at Coursera - conducted by the famous Andrew Ng himself. An amazing experience I must say. He puts across the concepts so well that even your lack of advanced Math knowledge is not a barrier and you soon pick up the concepts quite well. The quizzes and assignments are real good. As part of this course you have to submit your ML algorithms in either Octave or Matlab and I chose the latter. Did a quick online self paced course on Matlab at Mathworks, which was quite interesting and lo and behold the completion certificate is seen below 😊

Sapiens, Homo Deus & 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Posting after a long long time and this is not a post on development. Just finished listening to these 3 mind blowing audio books @ Audible by Yuval Noah Harari Sapiens Homo Deus 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Amazing the way he describes -- how we became the number one species on this planet and the unknown future that we are heading into. Some very interesting topics that I personally liked: 1. How tech (AI, ML etc) are going to change and affect everything and everyone 2. A world run by algorithms 3. Humans now trying to evolve into "Gods" - Immortal, Omnipresent and Omniscient 4. Billions of years of Organic evolution vs Human invented Inorganic rapid evolution Do read these books and they will seed many new ideas and thoughts in you. Next onto Elon Musk's biography...

Winners of the jQuery Mobile Cookbook giveaway

I had earlier announced that I would be giving away 2 copies of my book, jQuery Mobile Cookbook here . I wish to thank all the participants who sent in their entries from across the world. Thrilled by your response.  Due to unavoidable circumstances, there was a delay in me procuring the books and so I was not able to announce the winners sooner. But now here they are: Congratulations !!! Winner of the hard copy from India:  Vasudevan P Winner of the e-book from Spain:  Miguel Angel The two winners were randomly chosen by me without any bias and have been informed by direct email. They will be receiving their copies soon. The decision is final and not subject to review or contest. Thanks again to all those who participated! Link to the book: Extract from the publisher website: Overview: Create applications that use custom animations and use various techniques to improve application perfo...

Giving away 2 free copies of jQuery Mobile Cookbook

I wish to thank all my friends, readers and well wishers. Your constant encouragement and support helped me complete my very first published book. I'm now very glad to announce that my book jQuery Mobile Cookbook just got published by Packt Publishers. The link is here: Extract from the publisher website: Overview: Create applications that use custom animations and use various techniques to improve application performance Use and customize the various controls such as toolbars, buttons, and lists with custom icons, icon sprites, styles, and themes Write simple but powerful scripts to manipulate the various configurations and work with the events, methods, and utilities which are provided by the framework What you will learn from this book: Create single-page and multi-page applications that use custom CSS and JavaScript transitions; improve performance using Prefetch, DOM-Cache, and Application Cache Use fi...

Node.js: Notes on Install and Upgrade on Ubuntu

To install Node.js, first install the below prerequisite and add the node.js repository. # sudo apt-get install python-software-properties # sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js  Now install Node.js and npm (the Node Packet Manager). # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install nodejs npm Thats it. Your Node.js is ready. Test by running the below command. # node -v v0.6.18 Node.js stable releases are done quite frequently. To upgrade run, # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get upgrade nodejs npm   You could also use the Ubuntu Update Manager to do the update. If you are the kind who prefers to directly build from the sources then, # cd <directory> # sudo wget # sudo tar -zxf node-v0.6.18.tar.gz # cd node-v0.6.18 # sudo ./configure # sudo make # sudo make install # node -v v0.6.18 The latest version was v0.6.18 at the time of writing this post. For other platforms, installation is...

Ubuntu: Easy steps to install and use Notepad++ and IE on Ubuntu

I like using Notepad++, but it is a windows program and is not available for Linux. There are some jQuery Mobile apps that I need to test on IE. I need a Windows platform. But my primary laptop has Ubuntu. The solution is to use Wine and boy does it taste good! First install wine # sudo apt-get install wine Download the latest notepad++ installer from and launch it using wine. # sudo wine <download folder>/ This will launch the Npp installer and you can complete the fairly simple installation. Thats it, you are done ! Now you can just launch Npp and its a touchdown ! # cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Notepad++ # ./notepad++.exe There is a version of IE available too  # cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Internet Explorer # ./iexplore.exe This IE scores pretty decent on . Now how about try installing other Windows apps on Ubuntu and having more fun...

Fixing Date, Time and Zone on RHEL 6 command line

Had to fix all time related issues on a remote RHEL 6 server which runs without any windowing system. Plain ol' command line. Documenting steps here for future reference: Check to see if your date and timezone settings are accurate: # date # cat /etc/sysconfig/clock The server I accessed had wrong settings for both the commands. Here are the steps I used to correct: Find out your timezone from the folder /usr/share/zoneinfo # ls /usr/share/zoneinfo Mine was pointing to America/EDT instead of  Asia/Calcutta Update and save the /etc/sysconfig/clock file to # sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Asia/Calcutta" UTC=true ARC=false Remove the /etc/localtime # sudo rm /etc/localtime Create a new soft link to your time zone # cd /etc # sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta /etc/localtime # ls -al localtime Now it should show the link to your time zone Set your hardware clock to UTC # sudo hwclock --systohc --utc # hwclock --show Update your t...