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Patent for a single shared profile service

I have faced this problem multiple times. And its damn frustrating. Yes, I'm talking about the ten different places my profile is or was on the web. Google, Google apps account, LinkedIn, Twitter, FB and heaven knows where else. Any change in status or the way I want my profile to be worded, I have to remember and go and update all these places. Its a pain in all the wrong places. Trust me. Then I thought, someone must be providing such a shared profile service. You update your profile just one place and then push it to all these various social networks and web sites. I searched. Found nothing. I searched hard, asked my friends about this. Nothing! Zilch!! There were a few websites, that were almost there, but not exactly what I wanted. Gravatar has this for one's avatar. So why not something for profiles? Nopes. Then I had an enlightenment! Why not build this service and provide to the users on the web. I had an even better idea, why not patent it. Provide such a wonde