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Showing posts with the label rhel

Fixing Date, Time and Zone on RHEL 6 command line

Had to fix all time related issues on a remote RHEL 6 server which runs without any windowing system. Plain ol' command line. Documenting steps here for future reference: Check to see if your date and timezone settings are accurate: # date # cat /etc/sysconfig/clock The server I accessed had wrong settings for both the commands. Here are the steps I used to correct: Find out your timezone from the folder /usr/share/zoneinfo # ls /usr/share/zoneinfo Mine was pointing to America/EDT instead of  Asia/Calcutta Update and save the /etc/sysconfig/clock file to # sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="Asia/Calcutta" UTC=true ARC=false Remove the /etc/localtime # sudo rm /etc/localtime Create a new soft link to your time zone # cd /etc # sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta /etc/localtime # ls -al localtime Now it should show the link to your time zone Set your hardware clock to UTC # sudo hwclock --systohc --utc # hwclock --show Update your t

CouchDB on RHEL6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

Had to install a Couch DB instance on a fresh Red Hat Enterprise 6 Linux Box and it required some time before I got the whole thing up. Better have it documented here for future reference: 1. Get the Prerequisites First you will have to add the RPM Forge YUM Repository if not already available. Add the new repo: sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo # Name: RPMforge RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise 6 - dag # URL: # (Put "x86_64" instead of "i386" if appropriate.) [rpmforge] name = Red Hat Enterprise $releasever - - dag baseurl = enabled = 1 protect = 0 gpgcheck = 0 Save the file and get the prerequisites: sudo yum clean all sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' 'Development Libraries' 'GNOME Software Development' sudo yum install \   cvs zip gcc-c++ glib2-devel gtk2-devel fontconfig-devel libnotify-devel \   libIDL