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India's first KDE conference

This article was published in Qt Blogs here . Thanks to Alexandra and Qt Community for the same! I recently attended at the RV College of Engineering in Bangalore. It was the first KDE conference ever held in India, and it was followed up with two days of code sprints attended by over 300+ people. I’m pretty late with this write up, but better now than never. KDE-India is a growing group of volunteers totally committed to contributing to and popularizing FOSS in India. The event was primarily focussed on introducing KDE and Qt to young developers still studying engineering butof course there were also a fair number of professionals like me. In short, above all else, it was tons of fun. I networked with people, shared knowledge, promoted the Qt DevNet India group and even had the chance to watch live break dancing on stage – not once but twice! That’s Knut Yrvin for you, a great speaker with some special gifts needed for a Community Manager. There were great sessions hel...