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jQuery Mobile single-page vs multi-page template

[Updated 2012/02/09] In my recent posts I mentioned about jQuery Mobile single-page and multi-page templates, so what exactly are the differences between them? Single Page Template: Launch   - example from previous post, notice the address shown as you navigate Lighter and cleaner. Each page is a separate html file and more modular.  Better fallback if JavaScript is not supported. So works well on more platforms, you could even target grade C browsers  On first load, the start page is loaded into the DOM. An internal reference is always held to this. Any new page loaded is added to the DOM. Any previously shown page is removed from the DOM. The start page is always in the DOM. The DOM size is relatively smaller Optional to use the "page" data-role element in the code Can turn off Ajax Navigation between pages using data-ajax="false" Recommend to use the <title> tag for page titles The <title> tag always gets precedence during page loads