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Showing posts from January, 2013

Winners of the jQuery Mobile Cookbook giveaway

I had earlier announced that I would be giving away 2 copies of my book, jQuery Mobile Cookbook here . I wish to thank all the participants who sent in their entries from across the world. Thrilled by your response.  Due to unavoidable circumstances, there was a delay in me procuring the books and so I was not able to announce the winners sooner. But now here they are: Congratulations !!! Winner of the hard copy from India:  Vasudevan P Winner of the e-book from Spain:  Miguel Angel The two winners were randomly chosen by me without any bias and have been informed by direct email. They will be receiving their copies soon. The decision is final and not subject to review or contest. Thanks again to all those who participated! Link to the book: Extract from the publisher website: Overview: Create applications that use custom animations and use various techniques to improve application perfo...