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Sync Chrome versions and Chrome Extensions that I love

I just decided to live a little more on the edge and downloaded the Google Chrome Canary build, v13.0.x which is the developer build. But be warned, it could cause crashes though I've not faced any so far. Flash does seem to misbehave a bit ummm. Page loads are now definitely fast. Or do they seem fast to me :)

Meanwhile, between various versions of Chrome, one just needs to enable sync to automatically update bookmarks, extensions .. Its easily done as follows:

Click on the Wench icon on the top right and select Options->Personal Stuff
Click on Set up Sync...
Enter your Google user name and password when prompted.
You will be asked to Choose what to sync
Select the options you prefer. I checked them all.
Click on Ok and thats that.

Repeat this on your new browser version and you should have all the settings, apps, extensions, themes, bookmarks everything imported, rather synced.

Now here is the list of Chrome Extensions that I like and regularly use (no Orkut or Facebook here :P )

  • Silver Bird - Twitter client that shows notifications and highlights unread tweets
  • Too Many Tabs - Easily find out which all tabs are open, I tend to get lost in multiple tabs (30+)
  • Ad Block - Just block those annoying ads
  • RSS Extension by Google - this is shown in the address bar if a site has a feed and click to subscribe
  • Google Tasks - For my TO DO list, you can create multiple lists
  • Google Translate - For that Russian blog I subscribe to :)
  • Google Calendar - Manage your appointments
  • Google Slideshow - Create slideshow from your images, from picasa, flickr, etc
  • Picnik Editor - Edit your images online
  • Dictionary - Grow that vocab
  • ScreenCapture - Grab the current tab as an image
  • PDF/Powerpoint Viewer - Stay in browser and view that PDF or Powerpoint document
  • Share - Share the current webpage directly to your social network/email
  • Blog this - Blog about the current webpage
  • Google URL shortner - Shorten those URLs
  • Download Assistant - Download files using popular download managers
  • Stylebot - You can directly view the entire style sheet, dynamically modify attributes, block elements, reload the same page faster next time as the whole thing is cached.
  • Amazon Wish List - Add books directly to your wish list with one click - I keep buying them

And a few Google Bookmarklets like Bookmark and Map this that are directly available on my bookmark bar.

And in spite of all these installed, I see my Chrome browser loading pages quite fast. Memory consumption is a big on the higher side, but that is to be expected, but not blocking in any way.

Hope you found this useful. Do shoot me a mail or drop in a comment if you have any additional suggestions for those handy extensions. I just love em ...


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