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Ubuntu: Easy steps to install and use Notepad++ and IE on Ubuntu

I like using Notepad++, but it is a windows program and is not available for Linux. There are some jQuery Mobile apps that I need to test on IE. I need a Windows platform. But my primary laptop has Ubuntu. The solution is to use Wine and boy does it taste good! First install wine # sudo apt-get install wine Download the latest notepad++ installer from and launch it using wine. # sudo wine <download folder>/ This will launch the Npp installer and you can complete the fairly simple installation. Thats it, you are done ! Now you can just launch Npp and its a touchdown ! # cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Notepad++ # ./notepad++.exe There is a version of IE available too  # cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Internet Explorer # ./iexplore.exe This IE scores pretty decent on . Now how about try installing other Windows apps on Ubuntu and having more fun...